When I took my latest job we had to leave home and move eight hours away. Great job, beautiful place (NC), nice new friends but sadly we had to leave friends and family and that hasn't always been easy. Hardest has been not being close while our two grandchildren grow up before us.
The good thing is they both have two sets of loving grandparents who smother them with lots of love. The bad thing is that they both have two sets of loving grandparents that smother them Keith love. While we'd love to drive or fly home every weekend, but it just isn't possible and if we get back home once a month, that's a lot.
Thus the first visit from our son, his wife and beautiful granddaughter filled us with both joy and fear. We had nothing for a three year old to do. Their other grandparents had build an in-ground swimming pool and playhouse and had lots of toys everywhere. We had NOTHING. Worse everything at the stores were were so expensive that it was impossible to try to catch up for one weekend. I
Instead I let it all go and concentrated on doing what I do best.... Imaginary play. If ever you have a doubt about what to do for your grandchildren, trust me, imagination will always work.
They were coming for three days. Here's how it payed out ....
Day One
Drive in movie night with Lightening McQueen
A.k.a "This is was the best day of my life."
Body- Painted a wardrobe box red, removed metal rack, spray painted paper plates for wheels
Face-Used left over white Martha Stewart sample paint for eyes and mouth and magic marker
Interior- large pillow and backrest we had laying around.
We added some windows on the side so she could lay down and watch tv and still have plenty of cool air. Thank goodness for my husband who really did the majority of the work - spray painted and assembled. I did the face. Ella loved it and told her parents it was the best day of her life. Made my husband and I smile ear to ear, but the best was yet to come...